ELLIE JOY : NINE MONTHS - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama


by - Friday, January 25, 2019

Happy Friday, girls!
Today I'm sharing Ellie Joy's nine month update & then next week I will share month ten .. hopefully! 😉 The fact that she is already eleven months old just makes me want to cry!

In one month, she will be ONE!  Whhhhhhat!!?!
She is such a stinker!!
 At her nine month check up, she was just under 17 lbs.
She LOVES poppy pop ..
And books.
She is standing [propped up] & cruising around EVERYTHING!
Oh she's such a happy baby!!
Y'all, she is FINALLY sleeping through the night!
It's amazing!

She goes to bed at 7:30pm & is up at 7:30am.
Mama feels like a new woman!

I know some people are totally against the crying it out method but it worked for us!  The first night was awful & she cried for about an hour once I laid her down sleepy but not asleep after nursing .. the second night she only cried about 30 minutes & then by night three she was sleeping through the night.  At her nine month check up, I talked to her pediatrician about it & she said that there is no reason at all for her to be waking up three times a night at nine months SO, we broke her from that habit!

Nursing is still going amazing.
She LOVES to eat.
Says Da-Da & Bye-Bye.
She has two bottom teeth.
And you can ask her where her baby is & she says "awww" every time!  Sweetest thing ever!

You can see month ONE-EIGHT here …

Have the best weekend, friends!

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  1. She is just the sweetest and cant believe how big she is getting!

    1. Can you believe she will be ONE in just a few weeks!?!
