A Little Bit of This + That
Whitney Pegram
- Thursday, November 30, 2017
Happy Thursday, friends!
Can you believe that it's the last day of November!? Crazy, right!?
Can you believe that it's the last day of November!? Crazy, right!?
We have had so much going on lately & today I'm catching you up on it all. So grab your coffee & get cozy by your Christmas tree!
Remember my post from a couple weeks ago!?! My hubby went back to first shift & we celebrated!
And our very first Friday night together in a long time, we went out for ice cream!
Last month, before Grammy & Pop headed camping, Millie Jo & I met up with them for a few minutes. Somehow [perhaps her sweet talking 😉] Millie Jo talked Poppy Pop into giving her money for breakfast. She requested pancakes & then after we picked Cooper up from school we headed to the Dollar Store so they could each spend $3. It's the little things!
Most nights you can find this girl right here asleep. You know because it's hard being four! :)
Do you have a Christmas show where you live!?! Every year we go to the one near us. There are hundreds of vendors who sale ALL the things & it's just so much fun! You never know what you're going to find.
A couple weeks ago, Millie Jo spent the night with my mom & the next morning I get this picture. Grammy curled her hair & girlfriend was loving it!
Later that night she came home with her nails & toes done.

And while Millie Jo was with Grammy, Coop & I were snuggled up in Dan's recliner watching the CMA's. Shhhhh, he does still like to snuggle sometimes!
And while Millie Jo was with Grammy, Coop & I were snuggled up in Dan's recliner watching the CMA's. Shhhhh, he does still like to snuggle sometimes!
How we spend most of our weekend nights.
Mom & dad's bed + Christmas movies!
How sweet is Dan with our niece!?!
I can't wait to see him with our baby girl in March!
Last week was a big week for Cooper. We finally finished his new room & he LOVES it!
Millie Jo wanted to go to my doctor's appointment with me a couple weeks ago so we decided to make a day of it. She was so excited when my doctor let her have a pair of gloves & hold the Doppler while we listened for baby girl's heartbeat!
After my appointment, we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant ...
And then we headed to Target & grabbed Starbucks.
Life of a boy mom & life with a little sister.
The struggle is real when football is on AND wrestling! 😉
And speaking of football ...

Millie Jo just had "Tutus + Touchdowns" night at dance & of course my girl rocked Coop's Cowboy jersey!
And speaking of football ...
Millie Jo just had "Tutus + Touchdowns" night at dance & of course my girl rocked Coop's Cowboy jersey!
We love our uncle Mike!
We had stopped by my parents house one evening when uncle Mike & aunt Kaye Kaye showed up!
Our town just got a new grocery store called Lidl, maybe you've heard of it!? It's kind of like an Aldi. Anyway, they have the small shopping carts & my kiddos LOVE them! I won't lie though, I spend most of my time saying "watch where you're going, don't run into people!"
So that's a little bit lot of what we've had going on.
That's it for today!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites!