Weekend Wrap Up . . .
Happy Tuesday, y'all!
We had a pretty low key weekend & I was totally fine with that. Millie Jo has had a nasty cold for a few days now so we've been snuggling a lot over here!
My brother & sister-in-love got their new puppy on Thursday so on Friday night, we went to meet him.
Meet Jack.
It was so funny to see the response when I posted this picture on Facebook/Instagram that night. If you don't know, I am not an animal person so when people that know me saw the picture, they couldn't believe I was loving on him ;).
Cooper had a sleep over with Hunter & Madi so this girl & I grabbed dinner, went home, watched a movie ... & one of us covered our self with stickers.
Saturday morning we had the yard sale I was hoping to have & afterwards our kiddos went to spend the afternoon/evening with Mimi & Paw-Paw.
And I had a date with my man!
We've had a rough few weeks as this time last year we found out we were expecting baby #3. I don't know what I'd do without his love.
Sunday mornings.
These two. Oh my heart!
Cooper picked his own clothes out for church & was so proud. I'd say he did a pretty good job :).
Sunday, after church, we had a luncheon and Cooper received his first grade Bible.
My sweet Coop, I pray you always keep Jesus the center of your life!
On our way home from church, we stopped to grab a couple groceries. This girl loves my sunglasses & as we were walking inside she looks at Dan & says "I'm gorgeous, Daddy." ;) She is a mess! But I do agree with her 100%.
And that was our weekend.