Friday Favorites :: A Little Bit of This & That :: January
Happy Friday!
The first day of January I decided that I would take a daily picture & post the date on Instagram each day. And then I decided that at the beginning of each new month I could do a blog post recapping the previous month. It will still be my Little Bit of This & That post but with a lot more pictures :). I know its the middle of February but I'm just now getting around to sharing! And it's also Friday so I'm linking up with Andrea, Narci & Erika for Friday Favorites!
Here's a little bit a lot of what we had going on & some of my most favorite moments in January . . .

Every night you can find one of these two in each other's bed ... or mine ;).

New rainboots, dance tutu, big bow, denim jacket, cute socks & Emerson matching ... check! All ready for dance.
A few of her favorite things!
Love my girl!

Millie Jo talks about mine & Dan's wedding all the time so when I pulled out the DVD one day her & Coop both were so excited to watch.
And they laughed because some people don't look the same as they once did & they enjoyed trying to figure out who was who!
Are my kiddos the only ones who love the movie Jumanji?
Probably so.
And that's what we've been up to!
I hope y'all have such a fun weekend!
Our very first picture together in 2017.
They're my favorite!
Every night you can find one of these two in each other's bed ... or mine ;).
New rainboots, dance tutu, big bow, denim jacket, cute socks & Emerson matching ... check! All ready for dance.
A few of her favorite things!
Love my girl!
And her big brother, too!
When your daddy's work schedule has been crazy & throwing us all off, you gotta do what you gotta do to get extra time in!
I bet if you were to ask Coop, he'd say this is his most favorite part of the day :).
On this day we spent our morning buying all things Snow White for this girl's 4th birthday!
Oh ... & waiting on the snow!
And we woke up to this!
These two had SO much fun playing in it.
This picture makes me laugh every time!
Day 2 of the snow & it called for night time sledding ... yep, Millie Jo is on a baking sheet. Ha!!
Grammy & Pop came over for dinner that night & afterwards we ALL went sledding!
So much fun!
Day 3 of the snow & this was my view from my bedroom window.
This boy.
I can't believe he will be seven next month. Seven!!
Party preppin'!
The only thing Millie Jo asked for her party was that it be Snow White & she wanted a piñata. Oh & cake ... there HAD to be cake ;).
Birthday weeks are for chocolate milk, cool whip & chocolate drizzled on top.
One day he's a NC State fan ... the next a Carolina fan.
Either way, he's cute as can be!
And the only thing good about that jersey is that it makes his blue eyes even brighter! ;)
Birthday party day!
You can check out her Snow White inspired theme here.
It was such a fun party to throw!
And on the 15th my girl turned 4!!
We celebrated after church with dinner at Olive Garden because girlfriend wanted spaghetti.
When Dan walks in the door every evening, Cooper & Millie Jo either hide & make me pretend they went to Grammy or Mimi's so he has to look for them OR they immediately start wrestling him & yell "fly me like an airplane, fly me like an airplane!!" :)
The beginning of January, I started working on giving my blog a new look & I am SO glad I did!
It has such a fresh, clean look now & I love it so much.
If you've been thinking of changing yours up a bit .. DO it! You won't regret it.
Date night with my favorite little dude!
That's the date night he wore cologne.
Japanese + quality time are the way to his heart!
Her imagination + her baby dolls = little mommy!
Something about Millie Jo, she loves to play outside ... I mean, LOVES it! She must ask me 12 times a day if she can go jump on the trampoline or swing. She doesn't care if she's out there alone or not, she just wants to play!
Five days AFTER her birthday & the celebrating continues.
This was the night we had her birthday girl's night out!
On the 21st we celebrated Baby Kassie.
Speaking of celebrating, we were still celebrating Christmas in January :).
When your family is so big, you have to get together when you can!
Millie Jo talks about mine & Dan's wedding all the time so when I pulled out the DVD one day her & Coop both were so excited to watch.
And they laughed because some people don't look the same as they once did & they enjoyed trying to figure out who was who!
When your kiddos request spaghetti & a movie night, that's what you do!
Easy & relaxing. I'll take it!
I spent the entire day turning our closet under our stairs into a little mudroom on this day.
You can check it out here.
Such a fun little space!
Evidently we did nothing on this day because I don't even have a picture!
I suppose that will happen :).
One day this old, beat up bookshelf won't hold all these children books or be a stage for Hello Kitty, Rapunzel or Peppa Pig.
Enjoy your kiddos being little!
We had two birthday parties that day so resting in between them was a must!
If it's not football, it's wrestling.
We love spending time with cousins!
We wish Miss Hadley lived closer!
We finished out January in the bed sick .. & by we I mean me. So that called for an early bedtime, snuggles & a movie.Are my kiddos the only ones who love the movie Jumanji?
Probably so.
And that's what we've been up to!
I hope y'all have such a fun weekend!