A Daddy & A Miscarriage
To my sweet hubby ..
I love you.
I'm so thankful for the loving, caring husband you are to me & daddy to our precious children.💛
I've watched you grieve over the last year. And although you grieve in a completely different way than I do, I knew by your silence that's what you were doing.
I watched you break down as soon as we left the doctor's office last May when we found out that our baby girl's heart was no longer beating. I watched you sit outside at night days after we found out, looking up at the sky. I've seen you stare off sometimes & I wonder if it's Ruthie Belle you are thinking about.
Even through your grieving, you have never once pushed me away when I've come to you needing to cry ... or scream. You have prayed for us and our family over and over again when I couldn't even find the words to speak.
Often times, the man whose wife miscarries, goes unnoticed but please know that I see you .. & I know your heart aches too.
I know just like my heart wonders who she would have been, your heart does as well.
And I know when the doctor said those words, your heart broke into pieces just like mine did.
I pray for you everyday.
I pray that God will heal your broken heart.
I know without a doubt that Ruthie Belle would have loved you so much.
Throughout our entire journey, you have & continue to be so strong for the both of us ... even when you didn't feel like you could be.
Thank you for that.
I admire you so much.
You may have never physically carried her, but she will always be your baby girl & you will always be her daddy.
This is such precious note to your hubby and made me cry. Praying for you both.