Weekend Wrap Up
[Insert my happy dance here]
Our weekend was SO good ... except for when Millie Jo busted her head open on Sunday afternoon. 😟
And speaking of little miss ...
On Friday night, she had dance rehearsal.
Goodness I love this girl so much!
After rehearsal, we headed to Grammy & Poppy Pop's house for dinner. My mama made her vegetable soup & it's hands down my most favorite thing she makes!
My sister & brother came too!
Cooper ended up spending the night with Grammy & Pop so this girl & I went home & fell asleep watching Home Alone per her request. 😉
On Saturday morning, I got up & cleaned up a little bit because I knew I wouldn't have any other time to do it that day.
And then it was recital time.
I have a whole post of it coming soon!
After the recital the whole family went out to eat.
Mexican for the win!
My guys!
I love them BIG!
Ah, I hate this turned out dark & blurry but it was just too cute not to share!
Girls, girls, girls. 😊
Saturday evening we went & saw JuJu & Josh's new house ...
and they have a pool!!
These two ... & Dan ... wasted no time jumping in!
Oh Sunday morning ...
it ain't easy ...
but it sure is cute!
And here is where things got crazy ...
While I was cooking lunch after church, Millie Jo was standing on her stool watching ... the same stool that has been in the same spot for months. She jumped up & hit her head right on the corner of the top cabinet & when I heard it, I just knew she busted her head right open. Sure enough, she did. Stuff like that doesn't usually bother me, but this mama almost lost it from all the blood. That's how bad it was. Once we got her calmed down, we cleaned it with peroxide because we had to know if we needed to head to urgent care/ER for stitches ... thank goodness we didn't.
Thank y'all so much for your prayers. We definitely felt them! So much so that after Tylenol & resting for an hour while watching a movie, she asked if she could go jump on the trampoline. I didn't let her!
Later that afternoon, we went to uncle JoJo's house & these two found rollie pollies.
They're pretty much obsessed with them!
We ended our night playing board games & watching wrestling because #boymom ... & Dan snapped this picture ...
A perfect ending to a fun, busy weekend.
I hope y'all had such a good but less eventful one than ours, too!