Cooper's Last Day of First Grade - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama

Cooper's Last Day of First Grade

by - Thursday, June 08, 2017

I mean what!?!  How in the world is that even possible!?!

Here he is on his first day of 1st grade ...
and here he is today, on his last day of 1st grade ...
Oh my heart.
He has grown so much!

This year has been nothing short of amazing. 
Between Cooper's teacher & then the substitute that filled in for her while she was on maternity leave, it was just SO incredible.

For several months, Cooper had trouble reading & then when he was still having trouble with it in February [when his teacher was getting ready to have her baby] I got really worried that it would never click for him.  But after lots of reading at bedtime, help from his substitute teacher, help from my precious aunt who used to be a teacher & discovering he needed reading glasses ... he got it!  And this mama couldn't have been more excited.  His teacher kept reassuring me over & over that with boys it clicks after Christmas break ... she was right! 😉

First grade was the year Coop lost his two front teeth plus two others!

Even though this year was great, life wasn't always smiles & sunshine.  And that's ok, because we aren't perfect & that's how we learn.

First grade was a year of Coop learning that in life, in order for your heart to be at peace, you must forgive.  Yep, even at seven years old forgiveness is huge.  And forgiving someone even when they aren't sorry is too.
You can read all about that here.

We were also taught a lesson of being grateful.
You can read that one here.

With a school year like this one, second grade is going to have a lot to live up to. 😉 

Yesterday was awards day & I couldn't be more proud of Coop ...
He got the "Most Improved" award & he got the "Citizenship" award in his class.  Now that will make any mama want to cry tears of joy! 😍
And then there's this ... I literally can't even.
This was framed & sent home.  The top left square says "What I want to be when I grow up ..." Please notice what everyone else's responses were.
COOPER!!! You kill me! Hahahaha
Y'all, I seriously think it's just because he could wear a red polo & khakis every day.  I'm not even kidding! 😁
Oh, that makes me laugh.  And typical Coop.  This is why I blog.  I want to remember stuff like this forever!

Ending this school year is definitely bittersweet but we are very excited to get our summer started!

Cooper, you rocked the first grade, dude.  I am so proud of you & will even continue to be if you work at Target when you grow up ... Mama loves a discount.  You have a heart of gold & there is no doubt in my mind that you earned that Citizenship award.  I pray your heart always stays so loving & kind.


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