Weekend Wrap Up AND Ice Cream in a Bag ...
Happy Monday!
Our weekend was spent pretty much remodeling our kitchen. I can't wait to share it with you! I don't have many pictures from the weekend but what I do have is a wonderful DIY ice cream in a bag recipe.
First things first :) ...
Friday night one kiddo went to Grammy & Pops and then the other went to Mimi & Paw-Paw's for the night. Dan & I headed out for a date night which consisted of wings & Target. The man knows the way to my heart.
Saturday morning we were up early & ventured out to find some yard sales. We also went to one of our favorite antique stores. By the way, I can walk through a whole store before Dan even gets finished with one isle. I mean, he likes to look at e v e r y t h i n g. HA!
Saturday evening our kiddos came home.
We watched a movie & basically did nothing because we were all exhausted!
Sunday we went to church then had lunch with my parents & some of our friends.
We just love us a small town!
Sunday evening we made ice cream in a bag ... another thing checked off our Summer bucket list.
And oh my heart, it was SO good!
Did y'all know that National Ice Cream day was yesterday?!? I had no clue it even existed until last week so we made & ate homemade ice cream with all the toppings :).
Here's how we did it ...
What you'll need :
1 tablespoon of sugar
1/2 cup of milk or half & half (we used milk)
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla
6 tablespoons of rock salt (can be found on baking isle with other salts)
1 small plastic bag
1 gallon size plastic bag
How to make it :
Fill the large bag half full of ice & add the rock salt. Close the bag. Pour your milk, vanilla & sugar into the small bag. Close it. Place the small bag inside of the large one. Close it again. Shake until the mixture turns into ice cream. Remove the small bag from the large one, put in a bowl, put your toppings on ... or just eat it plain & enjoy.
Things you need to know :
Get all the air out of the bags before closing them.
You have to shake the bag for about 5 minutes.
The bag gets really cold so you may want to wrap a hand towel around it.
This recipe makes one scoop of ice cream but feel free to double it if you'd like more.
I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend!
Make sure you come back here tomorrow for Show & Tell Tuesday ... we are giving home tours. So fun!