Vacation :: Days 1, 2 & 3
Hey there, Wednesday.
I'm so excited to share our family vacation with you. Today I will be sharing days 1, 2 & 3 . . .
Every year we go on vacation with Dan's family. Last summer we ventured down to Florida & 2 years before that we went to Emerald Isle but we typically go to North Myrtle Beach ... which is where we went this year. Dan & I both grew up going there every summer so we know the area all too well.
We had the best time.
We drove down late Saturday night thinking the kiddos would sleep {it's only 4 hours from us} ... we were wrong. As a matter of fact, Millie Jo slept maybe the last hour of the drive & Coop stayed up the whole time. To say they were excited would be an understatement :).
Day 1 ...
Since we got to our condo so late Saturday night, we slept in on Sunday then spent the day at the pool.
Ready for dinner!
Sunshine & swimming sure wears a girl out!
Japanese for the win.
Our chef, John, was amazing & so funny.
He had Cooper laughing the entire time ...
& then wanted his picture with him afterwards.
What's a beach trip without playing 27 games of putt-putt!?!
Ok, we didn't really play 27 times but we did play a few. If it were up to our kiddos we would've played every single day.
Day 2 ...
We spent our second day on the beach ...
playing in the water ...
building sandcastles ...
& snacking .. a lot.
This girl.
We decided to try Cheeseburger in Paradise for dinner.
SO so good!
Ice cream after dinner.
Cold Stone, yum!
Cooper had $3 in his wallet of his own money & he was wanting to spend it the second we got there. Paw-Paw David actually gave them each $20 to take but he was more worried about using his own. So before heading back to the condo we went into one of the beach stores.
They loved going & looking at all the junk toys that they do not need!
Day 3 ...
On Tuesday all the boys went & played golf.
This boy & his love for golf.
While the boys are away ... the girls will play :).
I spent the day at the pool with this girl.
She LOVES the water!
It's a tough life being on vacation & playing golf all day.
That evening we ate dinner at the condo & then headed out to the outlets ... or I should just say the Under Armor Outlet ... y'all, both of my guys are obsessed.
I love these two oh so much!
My people.
That wraps up days 1, 2 & 3.
I'm sharing days 4 & 5 tomorrow so make sure you come back & check out what we were up to!