Weekend Wrap Up :: Wedding Edition
Happy Monday ... Happy May!
We had such a busy but fun weekend.
Here's what we were up to ...
Friday morning my girl & I went to get our nails & toes done.
I mean, every flower girl needs to be pampered the day before the wedding!
After we were finished we headed to get Cooper out of school early & headed up the mountain for rehearsal.
The bride & groom with the cutest flower girl & ring bearers!
Saturday morning we headed back to the venue so we could help out with anything that needed to be done.
I went to find Hunter once we got there to see how he was doing.
He was so excited!
Then it was time to start getting ready ...
Had so much fun with these girls over the past few weeks!
Wedding time!
Since the wedding was outdoors Hunter had to turn around backwards while Madi walked up to get behind the standing doors.
When he turned around & saw her this was his reaction.
Just so stinking sweet!
He loves that girl like crazy!

Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Capps!
We have all laughed at this picture ... please notice Millie Jo's face & her little arms crossed. She may be a little protective of her uncle Hunter! :)
After the ceremony & pictures it was time for the reception!
The groom & his awesome best man.
Dan gave a speech/toast & it was nothing short of amazing.
It was super funny {typical Dan} but also very sweet.
My hot date.
He really is the best man!
Y'all, this girl waited ALL day for a piece of wedding cake.
Loved that my girls were there to celebrate the big day!
These 3 did such a good job this weekend.
By the end of Saturday night they were still wide open & half dressed!
That was the wedding weekend.
Full of love, tears, laughs, family, friends, dancing & fun.
So many sweet memories were made!