Weekend Wrap Up {Memorial Day}
Happy Tuesday!
I hope you all had a great holiday weekend. I don't know about y'all, but we were super busy!
Dan & I started our weekend out on a date with a +1.
Some were excited for a date night ... others not so much :).
Our date quickly turned into a +3 more.
Grammy & Pop took Coop to see the Angry Birds movie & they finished up about the time that we got to the restaurant so they met us there.
This is how we Saturday morning.
Lots of projects going on over here.
We are currently redoing our front porch & I can't wait to share pictures with you!
And this is how we Saturday night.
Our town's baseball team had their opening night so we went with some of my family & a group of our friends.
Her favorite part was her Sundrop slushie.
Such fun night.
Sunday we went to church & then had lunch . . .
of course baby went too.
Sunday afternoon consisted of playing outside & then taking a 2 1/2 hour nap.
They were exhausted!
Then we headed to dinner.
I snapped this picture while we were waiting for our food & I mean, real life right here y'all . . .
One kiddo smiling & the other pitching a fit because her daddy wouldn't let her pour her chocolate milk in her cup by herself.
Memorial Daying it with these two.
Dan had to work so we spent our day outside playing, swimming . .
& eating popsicles that we had made the night before.
Love these two so much!
That was our Memorial Day weekend!
This weekend gave us a little dose of what our summer may look like & we're super excited about it.