Christmas 2015 :: Part One
It was our first Christmas in our new house & it was so much fun!
My family is huge & blended so we had 6 different Christmases to attend ... crazy, huh!? That's why I have to do 3 different posts or else y'all would be looking at pictures all day long :).
Every Christmas Eve morning we get together with the Pegram family.
This year we hosted at our house!
The Pegram 4.
Paw-Paw the Great.
The Pegram family.
I'm so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful family!
After lunch at our house we went over to Paw-Paw David's to open gifts.
Coop got his first BB gun ... & he was just a little excited about it!
I just love this picture.
She loves surprises ...
Sweet girl finally got her Elsa bicycle & Elsa helmet.
She asked Paw-Paw for this a couple months ago & of course he got it for her :).
Christmas Eve night we headed over to my parents house.
Anyone ever played the game Loopin' Louie before?? Well, my brother had it when we were little & my sister found a Star Wars version called Loopin' Chewie ... it was a huge hit! I felt like we were little kids again playing in the kitchen floor.
I mean, it's fun for all ages!!
Every year my mom & Nelly buy the girls matching pajamas.
We definitely weren't expecting THESE this year ...
Oh, you know ... just Olaf onsies. HA!! I must say, they're so cute & super comfy! I may or may not be wearing mine as we speak!
Best big sis & baby bro ever!
The greatest woman I know.
Santa, baby!
... & then it was time for a family picture.
It only took us about 5 or 6 pictures before we got one :).
Love, love, love my family!
That was our Christmas Eve.
Lots of family time, food & fun!
Tomorrow I will share our Christmas day!
Happy Monday!