Goodness gracious! Are these posts making you want to go to Disney as much as they are me!?!
Today I'm sharing all things Magic Kingdom & y'all, I didn't realize until yesterday when I was writing this post just how many pictures I have from this one park.
Grab your blanket & coffee & get cozy because it's going to be a long one.
We started our day early again & this time Mimi & my niece stayed back at the resort because that poor baby ended up at urgent care the night before with an ear infection. Thankfully, within a couple hours & two doses of antibiotics, she was feeling better.
The very first thing we did was take pictures in front of the castle ...
All 4,657 of them.
The boys headed to ride the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train & us girls took off to meet all the princesses at Fairytale Hall!
Fact : Cooper's face on the rides were THE best. That in itself was worth the money we spent on the Memory Maker package. HA!
How perfect that the very first princess we met was Cinderella!
And Itty Bitty wasn't impressed at all.
She had just gotten new shoes & couldn't wait to show Millie Jo.
Next, we met Elena!
And again, Ellie Joy with the death grip on the back of my arm.
Then it was time to meet Rapunzel.
I figured I had tortured Itty Bitty enough so we stayed away for her! 😉
And finally, we met Tiana!
Her little accent was just like in the movie!
After we finished with that, we walked into the gift shop where they had photographers set up.
Be still my heart!
These girls of mine!!
We had so much fun taking these.
After we were finished, we met back up with the boys so Millie Jo & I could ride the Seven Dwarfs ride. Y'all, it's a must!! While we did that, my father-in-love headed back to the resort to get my mother-in-love & niece since she was feeling better.
We had fast passes for Space Mountain & something you should know about Cooper ... he HATES roller coasters BUT ...
My boy rode it & LOVED it!! He even somehow managed to get in the front car. I mean, he didn't want to ride it again but at least he got on it. I was so proud of him for stepping WAY out of his comfort zone! Even if we did ride the whole ride with me holding onto him!
And after riding such a big ride, it was time for dessert. Who cares that it was only 10am!
While we were feeding our faces with that goodness enjoying our snack, my in-loves met back up with us.
And right across from us was the carousel. Something we all could ride together!
Then these crazies went & rode the Teacups. I gladly sat that one out.
While heading to Splash Mountain, we passed by the castle & I had to take a picture. Perfection!
About the time we got to Main Street, the parade was starting & it was SO cute!! Not to mention, Ariel made heart hands at Cooper when she passed by. You can only imagine how happy he was about that being a nine year old boy. HA! Millie Jo still doesn't let him forget it.
Our seats for the parade ended up being right in front of the castle. A sweet friend sent both of my girls a pair of ears to wear in memory of her precious niece who passed away from cancer last year. We thought this was the perfect place for a picture wearing them.
Splash Mountain ... here we come!
That's it ... Coop wins the internet.
His faces kill me!
We made lunch reservations at Tony's before the trip & it was delicious. It's Italian, which we are huge fans of, & it was Lady & the Tramp themed.
We decided after lunch to head back to the resort to rest before our big night back at Magic Kingdom for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party!
We got back, put the babies down for naps then Dan, Millie Jo, Coop, Mimi & I went to find dessert in the cafe!
Ummm, I will have one of each.
Please & thank you.
And so will she!
Later that evening, we hopped on the bus back to the park.
We couldn't wait to trick or treat down Market Street!
And were you even there or a blogger if you don't take this picture!?!
Okay, It's a Small World was just a simple little boat ride but y'all, this baby LOVED it!! There's tiny dolls everywhere & the whole time she was yelling "BABY! BABY!" It was her most favorite thing!
Another ride we all got to ride was Dumbo! SO stinkin' cute!
We ended the night watching some of the Disney Villians show at the castle. It was INCREDIBLE!! I wish we could've stayed for the whole thing but it was almost midnight & four kiddos were EXHAUSTED so we decided to beat the crowd & go back to the resort.
There's a reason it's called Magic Kingdom ...
It really is magical.
If you made it to the end of this post, you are amazing. But now I'll let you get on with your day!
If you missed any of my previous Disney posts, you can find them here ...
And make sure you come back tomorrow to read all about our last park ... Animal Kingdom!