LABOR DAY WEEKEND - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama


by - Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Happy Tuesday, y'all!

Can you believe that it's already September!?!

But here in North Carolina, we are all like …
Fall can show it's face anytime now! 

Friday morning, Ellie Joy & I spent the morning with my brother while Coop & Millie Jo were at school.
And later that evening, my family came over to celebrate his birthday!

After the party, Cooper & Millie Jo left to go camping with my parents.  And early Saturday morning, Dan, Ellie Joy & I headed to the campground for the day!
Mama's with babies/toddlers, THIS SEAT was perfect for our day in the mountains!

Sunday afternoon, Dan went to play golf & I started decorating our house!

And Monday morning, we Labor Day'd hard 😉 …
 With all the naps …
 Swimming …
 And Instastory filters!

I hope your Labor Day weekend was fun & relaxing.  
Today it's back into a routine of things & getting ready for all the fall things we have going on!

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  1. What a fun weekend you all had :) It's feeling like fall finally here! The humidity needed to go!
