Weekend Wrap Up . . .
I saw this little quote on Instagram & it couldn't be more true.
Mondays are no fun as it is but they're really not fun after a long holiday break!
Plus having a headache going on two days on top of that. It's just not fun. I do have to brag on my hubby though for a minute ... while I was out for the count ALL day yesterday he cleaned the entire house, took care of our kiddos AND did all the laundry plus put it away! And he let me sleep in this morning. I am feeling very much rested & just hope that headache stays far away!
Now, about our weekend. It was such a good one!
I was up bright & early with my mama & aunt on Friday for some Black Friday shopping!
And while we shopped ...
These two, my brother & father-in-love went to the NC State - Tarheel game.
Millie Jo didn't want to do either so she spent the day at my in-loves house decorating for Christmas :).
He's baaaack!
Saturday morning we woke to find Fred the Elf.
He throws a breakfast party every year when he comes & my kiddos just love it!
I will be sharing more on it this week.
My view after breakfast Saturday.
And up until it was time to leave Saturday evening, this is where we stayed.
On Saturday evening we had our family Thanksgiving dinner with all the aunts, uncles & cousins.
This is something I look forward to every single year!
If you saw my SnapChat then you saw that we had live entertainment! A little singing, piano playing & guitar playing.
It was entertaining to say the least.
It runs in the family! :)
I love this picture!
But lets be honest.
I love this one even more!
It's just so us!
I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of such an amazing family!
And that was our weekend.
Tomorrow I am sharing our Thanksgiving with you & it sure was a sweet one!