Friday Favorites :: Three Things Right Now - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama

Friday Favorites :: Three Things Right Now

by - Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday .... FINALLY!
Well, I don't know about all that but ...
What a week!?  This mama is exhausted. 
I thought for sure I wouldn't have to tell my kiddos to stop touching each other until they were at least a little bit older ... boy was I wrong!  They play well together for the most part but they do their fair share of aggravating each other.  I bet I say "stop touching, stop aggravating, stop tattling, stop wrestling ... yes, wrestling & funny enough it's usually Millie Jo jumping on top of Cooper, about 27 times a day.  Sigh.  I'm certain I'll miss their bickering one day but goodness gracious!

Today I am linking up with Erika, Andrea & Narci for some Friday Favorites!

It's been a while since I've done a Three Things post & since it's one of my most favorites, I thought why not just do it as my Friday Favorites this week!?! :)

Every few months I try to do a post like this & share three things about each of us at this very moment.

I say it every.single.time. but I'll say it again ... I LOVE them so much!  Shout out to Andrea because I got the idea from her!

I'm going to be the mama that when my kiddos come ask me a question about their childhood I'm just going to be like "" :)

Ok, so here are three things right now for you . . .
1.  Cooper just lost his 3rd tooth.  It's one of his front top teeth ... & the other one is super loose too.  I have a feeling I will have a little snaggle tooth by Christmas!
2.  Cooper just finished his first golf lessons.  He loved it & learned so much!
3.  Cooper is a hardcore football band wagon fan.  Seriously, it cracks me up!  Last year he was obsessed .... I'm talking OBSESSED with the no good, good for nothing Washington Redskins, at the end of last year he started loving the Carolina Panthers [because they went to the Super Bowl] & now he is loving the Cowboys [you know this mama is LOVING that!!].  But then yesterday he was wearing his Redskin jersey again.  I think it just depends on what day it is!

Bonus ::
4.  Cooper is already trying to decide what he wants to be for Halloween next year.  Seriously! He's so funny.  It may be a good thing though because he changed his mind 712 times this year.
1.  Millie Jo loves to count.  She counts all the time & can get to 20 then starts back at 16 :).
2.  Millie Jo loves to color.  And y'all, I'm not even kidding when I say the girl stays in the lines like no other!  It's pretty incredible & she's always so proud. 
3. Millie Jo loves her some "pinky promises."  We pinky promise something at least two times a day.  She will ask me a question & after I answer she will say "you pinky promise? Here, give me your finger."  It may just be the cutest! 

Or maybe this is . . .

Bonus ::
4.  Millie Jo just got her bedtime prayers down pat.  You know the "Now I lay me down to sleep" one.  Oh my heart, I could listen to her over & over.  She still prays for Coop ... when he had strep throat ... last year in kindergarten, she thanks God for Ruthie Belle & she always prays for the "ba-lease" ... you know, the police.

1.  Dan has just discovered that he loves to build things.  Remember the ladder & bench I told you about on Monday!?! He really is so good at it!  I mean, the man has had orders coming in!  LOL
2.  I just started my very own online children's consignment.  It has always been my dream to have my own children's consignment/boutique & I decided to stop saying "I wanted to" & just do it.  It's at the very beginning stage [through Facebook] but I have such big dreams for it! Baby steps though :).  Feel free to check it out ... Oh My Heart! A Children's Southern Consignment & Boutique.
3.  We are really loving the new church we have been visiting.  And our kiddos love it too!

And there you have it ... three things about us ... with a couple of bonus ones.
I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!


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