Life Lately.
Happy Friday Eve!
Here's a look at what life has looked like around here lately ...
Last week Cooper's school did a fundraiser called The Fun Run.
All the money that was raised helps buy more technology for the school.
Here he is running his laps :).
Love my little kindergartener.
Enough said.
It's tough waking up so early during the week!
Dan & I don't do gifts for Valentine's day but I always buy him the Reese Cup hearts since they're his favorite.
Cooper had other plans & wanted to buy him this.
I love my little guy!
My girlie girl!
At least once a day Millie Jo asks if she can do my hair & make up ... of course I say yes.
I mean, where else can you go & get 8 different types of lip glosses applied!? :)
Lunch with friends are the best.
So thankful my girl has such sweet friends!
That's life.
Hope y'all have a great day!