Life Lately.
Happy Thursday!
Here's what we've been up to lately ...
I loved this little reminder last Monday morning!
Last week Dan had to go out of town so it was just me & these two!
I love them!!
Of course we had to Face Time before bed :).
After school on Wednesday Cooper's buddy, Jackson came over to play for a little while.
Coop was out of school Thursday & Friday for teacher work days so aside from all the playing in the snow, we colored & painted ... a lot!

Thursday night we knew the snow was coming in early Friday morning so we decided to take the kiddos to Chuck E Cheese since we kind of had a feeling we'd be stuck inside all weekend.
Forts & snow days.
"Mama, will you curl my hair like yours?" :)
Sitting in this sink talking to me is where you can find her while I'm getting ready.
Sweet little thing!
That's what life has looked like around here lately!