Happy Monday!
Last week I shared all about our FOURTH OF JULY WEEKEND & the cutest little JULY 4TH PARTY that I threw for my kiddos! If you missed either post, make sure you go check them out. That party was seriously one of my all time favorites!
That same weekend, we headed to a baseball game with my family & some friends to continue to celebrate the holiday weekend. And we had so much fun! It was technically the day after the 4th, but they ended up doing fireworks after the game so they didn't interfere with the show the town put on the night before.
After Coop found out we had gotten tickets to go to the game, he almost decided not to go to the beach. I mean, we are a baseball lovin' family, but you won't find me turning down a week at the beach for a game. HA!
He went to the beach.
This girl of mine was only there for the snacks. I can't say that I blame her because those fried pickle were the bomb!
There's always one in the group. Don't play music & expect me to just stand there!
I have zero shame! 😉

If you're new around here, I am a middle child. My sister is the oldest (35), I just turned 32, & then my little brother will be 30 next month!
I can't tell you how thankful I am for both of them. I'm so grateful that my three kiddos have each other!
Can't forget my mama!
Itty Bitty was all "YAY! DIPPIN' DOTS & COTTON CANDY!"
I don't know what it is about ball games, but they're just so much fun! Especially when you have a big group of people going together.
Ahem, we 1000% planned our shirts!
Love him more than peanuts & cracker jacks!
By the time it got dark, this girl couldn't hang any longer.
But by the time fireworks started, she was wide awake!
It sure was a sweet way to wrap up our 4th of July weekend.
Have a great Monday, friends!