Mother's Day Weekend - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama

Mother's Day Weekend

by - Monday, May 14, 2018

Hey Hey Monday!

Our weekend was a sweet one as we celebrated our mama's & I hope yours was too!

On Friday night these two went out on a date ...
They are just too cute!
I love the way she gets so excited to have a date with her daddy.
While they were gone, I spent the evening with my big & little!
When they got home we put the kiddos to bed & spent the rest of the night on the couch watching a movie because #thatneverhappens.

How we Saturday morning ...
All the cuddles!
Saturday morning the boys went out & the girls & I headed to the mall.  We were there for hourrrrrrs it felt like & while I was trying some things on, somebody got hungry.  Real life, y'all.  A very bored five year old, a hungry 2 month old & one exhausted mama!  By the way, I went home with NOTHING except a pair of shorts.  I went looking for a bathing suit & a Mother's Day dress.
Because after shopping for hours, lunch is always a good idea!

Saturday evening we went & celebrated Mother's Day at my in-loves. All the babies & another baby girl will be here any day now!
And me & JuJu showed up matching :)

Sunday morning I woke up to the sweetest surprise ...
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Millie Jo's heart!?!
A bowl of Fruit Loops with an apple, a slice of cheese, a glass of sweet tea & a card.
On Sunday morning, our sweet Ellie Joy was dedicated.
After church, we went over to my brother's house for lunch.

And when it's 94 degrees outside, snow cones are a must!
She thinks her daddy is so funny. 😉
Such a sweet way to end Mother's Day weekend.
 I am so blessed that God chose me to be their mama.
My heart is so full!

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  1. Where did you get your jean jacket I am on the hunt for one that does not look so 80’s inspired?
