Memorial Day Weekend : Part Two
Can y'all believe that today is the last day of May!?!
Crazy, right!?
Yesterday I shared part one of our MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND & today I'm sharing part two!
Crazy, right!?
Yesterday I shared part one of our MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND & today I'm sharing part two!
Oh, take me back!!
We only 3 1/2 days of school left & we are ready for you, summer!!
Saturday morning, we got up & headed out for a little bit but not without eating lunch at Hamburger Joe's first because hello, it's the best!
When Pop photobombs your selfie. HA!
Love my mini.
And her daddy.
After lunch we headed to the mall & someone was getting sleepy!
Mall cookies are just so good!
For dinner we found a Japanese restaurant per this boy's request. This was the same day that we got the call that he had made the All Star baseball team for our town! Eeeeek!
Before heading back to the camper, we stopped by the beach to take a few pictures & y'all ...
I can't!
This sweet dress & romper came from ELEANOR ROSE & it may just be my favorite release.
My tribe.
Life sure has changed in the past 14 1/2 years! 😍
I posted this next picture on Instagram the other day & wanted to share it with you ...
Honestly, I started to not even post this picture because the first thing I noticed about it was how much weight I still need to lose after having Ellie Joy. But then I kept looking at it & thought these babies don’t care what I look like • these babies just loved that I put on my bathing suit every morning this weekend & went swimming with them, got my hair wet & even played in the ocean with them • they loved that I took their boogie board out into the ocean & taught them how to ride a wave in • They weren’t worried about my belly or my arms or my legs that touch when I walk. They see & know me as mama • the one God made to love them, raise them & care for them. I can’t get these years back so I am going to enjoy every second! Now, when I look at this picture, I see a mama who knows she is blessed beyond measure • A mama who is crazy about her babies. I don’t want to look back one day & have all these pictures of my kiddos but none with me in them just because of a little baby weight that I will eventually lose.
Mama’s, let’s stop finding all the flaws in our pictures & start seeing the JOY in them!
We spent the evening on the beach which is one of my most favorite things to do at night!
And these two played in the ocean & sand the entire time.
Sunday morning I woke up to this ...
Oh my heart.
And later that morning we went & spent the day at the pool until the rain decided to start.
We stayed at the camper for the rest of the day once the rain started ...
And then this guy stole me away for a walk on the beach.
Of course we got caught in the rain. But at least we had our swim suits on ... right!?!
That night, we took the kiddos back to the arcade & Itty Bitty did this while we were there.
Monday morning we got up & headed home ... you know, the worst part about any vacation.
And that was our Memorial Day weekend!
I hope yours was so good & that you were able to take the time to honor those who have fought for our country & lost their lives.
Love that you are IN all these photos and you are beautiful :)! Looks like the best time, I want to go now! xoxo ERIN