What I Wore . . .
Hey there, Wednesday!
I try to do a What I Wore post every couple of months & today I'm doing just that. I won't lie, I'm super excited to start dressing for fall. These 95+ degrees temps are no fun. I mean, I've already been pinning different fall outfits :).
Until then though, this is what I've been wearing lately . . . & I'm also sharing one of Millie Jo's new outfits that I'm loving so much!
You can find my wedges here.
When I saw this dress I just knew I had to have it.
How cute is the back of it!?!
The only thing I don't like about it is how easily it wrinkles.
By the way, I'm still loving my hair short!
My mom actually bought this plaid dress for me. She said when she saw it she thought it was so me ... I couldn't agree more! After all, I do love me some plaid.
The best part about it? It feels like a t-shirt. So comfy!
I couldn't find this exact one but I did find this one while I was looking & I think I may need it for fall. How cute would it be with a scarf & boots!?!
I may have shared this cardigan before.
It is from Belk & unfortunately no longer available.
Dan & I went out to dinner a couple weeks ago & I wore this.
The shorts are Target & the top is Belk.
{Both from last year}
These two outfits are pretty much my every day look during summer. Shorts, a top & a pair of cute sandals to pull the outfit all together.
The dress I wore for our family pictures is from the New York & Company outlet.
Y'all it was a $75 dress & I paid $12 for it!
I wish I could say it was still available but I couldn't find it on their website. If you have an outlet near you though, go look for it!
Ok ... ready for cuteness overload!?!
How adorable is this Snow White inspired outfit my girl is wearing!?!
Give us princess everything!
Oh my goodness, their stuff is adorable!
Well, that's what we've been wearing.
Y'all have a great day!

Oh & before I go, I'd like to wish these two a very happy anniversary! I am so thankful to have you both. Thank you for loving my little family so much & being the best Grammy & Pop! We love y'all!