Show & Tell Tuesday :: What's in your Bag - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama

Show & Tell Tuesday :: What's in your Bag

by - Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Every other Tuesday I link up with Andrea for Show & Tell Tuesday.  Today we are sharing what's in our bag.  I think a better question for me would be "what's not in my bag?" I mean, hello #momlife.
Here we go . . .
I am currently carrying this Jessica Simpson tote. 
I have always loved big bags & since having babies I REALLY love them!
Honestly, my purse is always ... always ... always a hot mess.  Like I'm talking church bulletins from weeks ago, gum wrappers, melted M&M's stuck to the bottom of it because my kiddos forgot to tell me they dropped them in there & receipts from grocery trips months ago.  This blog post actually gave me a really great reason to clean it out . . . now if we could only do a 'show us your car' post ;).
To make me feel more organized I divided each item up so you can get a better look.
I always have my chapstick, sunglasses & wallet with me.
Y'all, I'm that mom ... I use baby wipes for everything!
I saw this & laughed ...
Yep, that's me.
I always have "handitizer" as Millie Jo calls it & Band-Aids too.  Millie Jo thinks if
 her leg itches she needs a Band-Aid on it.
She's not dramatic at all :).
Of course my phone.
While cleaning out my purse I found all these bows.
I always carry snacks & you can usually find a sippy cup or two in there as well.
I just recently got this new planner by Emily Ley & love it!
Confession .. I always carry it with me but 9 times out of 10 I forget to use it.
That's a look at what's in my bag.
Here are the upcoming Show & Tell Tuesday topics ...
And if you've missed any of my previous Show & Tell Tuesday posts you can see them here ...
Happy Tuesday, friends.


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  1. Are you on bloglovin? I couldn't find you to add!

  2. Yes! We need a "Show me Your Car" post! That would be motivation for me! I love the meme on baby wipes! So true!

  3. that planner is the best! great post friend! so glad i found your blog through the show and tell link up today!
