Life Lately.
Happy Thursday!
One more day until the weekend & boy do we have a busy one!
Dance rehearsal, painting, dance recital, graduation cook out, church & a birthday party. I love this busy life of ours though! :)
Here's a look at what we've been up to lately . .
In case you haven't noticed in my recent posts . . . a baby doll goes everywhere with us!
Last week while I was cleaning out & organizing my closet, I heard both of my kiddos laughing so I peeked (because any mama knows that you don't let them see you especially when they're getting along so well & there is something you're wanting to get done) around the corner & saw this.
They had started Home Alone in Millie Jo's room & were laughing so hard at it.
How I found my guys after I got out of the shower.
I told you Coop liked to snuggle.
Early morning tea parties for days.
Only a few more days of pick up line with this girl until next year . . & I may be a little excited about that.
Let's be real .. it gets HOT sitting in your car without the air on in May & June .. even with your windows down!
Love our evenings.
If you need us, we will be here most of our summer!
That's a little life lately for you!