Our Weekend Fun ...
Happy Monday y'all!
I hope y'all had a fun & safe Halloween weekend!
Here's how we spent ours ...
Friday, my girl & I ran a few errands ...
& then we headed to Cooper's Halloween party at school.
I love these two!
Friday night we headed to my in-loves church for their trunk or treat.
This is George the smurf ... er, my brother-in-law :)
Miss Priss loves her daddy!
There's our little soccer player!
Cooper won the High 5 award for his team!
This award is given to the player who shows good character, has respect for the coach/teammates & is a hard worker. I'm so proud of my boy!!
Saturday night we headed to our friends house for their Halloween party. They just live one street over so we walked & checked out all the cool Halloween decorations on our way.

This explains our Sunday morning perfectly!
An extra hour of sleep? What's that?!? :)
Such a fun Halloween weekend spent with our friends & family & eating way too much candy. I will do a post on Halloween night itself tomorrow because I have tons of pictures to share :)
I saw this yesterday & thought everyone should know ...
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Happy November!!