Our Halloween!
Our Halloween was one for the books ... I mean, best one yet. I say that because this was Millie Jo's first time trick or treating & she actually knew what she was doing. To see my kiddos laughing & enjoying it so much makes my heart so happy! If I heard them say "trick or treat, smell my feet" one time this past week, I heard them say it 2,495 times :) ... (I should probably mention that we did not allow them to say it when they went trick or treating...even though Millie Jo tried!)
So here it is ... the Pegram 4 do Halloween ...
Ready to trick or treat & go to the Halloween party at our friends house!
My sister & her boyfriend came over to hang out with us too!
Love my babes big! :)
I mean, how cute are their costumes!?!
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!
This girl throws one heck of a Halloween party!
Love my girlfriends!
After we ate, it was time to go get candy!
These sweet girls stayed together the whole time saying "we're best friends" :)
& yes, Millie Jo is eating her candy ... as soon as she would get a new piece she wanted to eat it!
Oh, & for the party ...
I made these Oreo balls & they were a huge hit! I just put Halloween sprinkles on the top of them before the chocolate hardened.
Well, that was our Halloween!
So. Much. Fun.
Confession :: I have Christmas music playing in my house as we speak!!
Happy Tuesday friends!