Our Fall Bucket List ..
Today we are talking about my family's fall bucket list!
I follow several different blogs & the other day someone did a post about their fall bucket list. I thought it was such a neat little idea so I sat down with my kiddos & asked them what fun things they wanted to do this fall. We are going to hang it on our refrigerator so we can make sure we do everything :)
Such fun little ideas that we came up with.
Our neighborhood is known for the trick-or-treating around here so we are really looking forward to walking the neighborhood & seeing everyone's decorations.
Since we are talking all about fall today here are some pictures from previous years ...
2010 : Cooper's first Fall .. Sweet little fella!
Fall 2011 : Cutest smurf ever!
Fall 2012 : My little cowboy
Millie Jo's first fall {2013}
Love these little stinkers!
Fall 2014 : My cool racecar driver & silly little clown
So that's our bucket list.
Lots of fun stuff going on over here!
I hope y'all enjoy your weekend!
See you Monday!
May we never forgot all the lives that were lost on September 11, 2001.