Daddy/Daughter Dance
Back in April our church decided to do a Daddy/Daughter dance & Dan took Millie Jo. I was looking through pictures the other day & they are just too sweet not to share!
We asked Dan to wait in the kitchen & then she came out of her room .. of course he thought she was the most beautiful little thing!
I remember saying to Dan that night .. "Don't blink. All too soon she will be getting ready for prom & then her wedding day." .. oh my heart, time flies!
She loved her little corsage!
They even had a photo booth set up at the dance. How cute are they!?!
Sweet girl!
She called herself Cinderella all night :)
This was such a special little night for them both.
They danced the night away together & Millie Jo still talks about it!
Just so super sweet!
Happy Wednesday!
If you are joining me in the "Prayerparation" for the Honduras team, today we are praying specifically for the team to be obedient to the Holy Spirit as they share God's word & His love.