WEEKEND [2019]
Happy Wednesday, y'all!
I'm coming at you with our weekend post just a few days late. But, you know what they say, better late than never!
I'm here to tell you that this past weekend was SO much better than THE ONE BEFORE THAT. My heart, that was a rough one!
Before I share all the things from this weekend though, I want to say thank you .. thank you .. THANK YOU for all the love on my post I shared on INSTAGRAM last week. If you have no idea what I'm talking about ...
I don't share this on here to boast about being a rock star mama ... because trust me, if you would have seen me on Tuesday, you would have thought I was more of a crazy mama who doesn't have her life together. I'm sharing because I am truly humbled.
I opened my heart & wrote that post in tears after a rotten few days of my Itty Bitty girl being so sick.
Gosh, motherhood is so hard & messy sometimes but so stinkin' sweet all at the same time.
Again, thank you. We are all in this together, girls! Not just motherhood, life .. period.
Okay, back to our weekend.
Holy smokes, I still pinch myself sometimes knowing I'm married to this hot man. 😉
Even when he is driving me bonkers.
Friday night, we F I N A L L Y snuck in a date night!
And all the parents said #amen.
It was long over due & we had such great company .. even though most of our conversations consisted of our kiddos!
While we were out, my sister kept all three kiddos!
I don't think they had any fun at all ...
It takes a village, friends. And we love ours!
Saturday, Millie Jo was running a low grade fever. Thankfully, whatever she had passed quickly! But, we still spent all day Saturday doing absolutely nothing .. with the occasional load of laundry.
It was pretty amazing if you ask me! Except the laundry part.
Sunday morning, we were up early to go to church & afterwards headed to the water park!
Only to get there & find out that there was a thirty minutes to an hour delay due to a storm passing through. I mean, it was torture for them to have to just sit & look at the water park for that period of time!
After the delay was over, luckily not the full hour, we got to play for a big ... wait for it ... five minutes. Yep, five whole minutes before another storm decided to come through.
By the time the delay was over, the park was closing & it started pouring down rain.
Wasted trip? Maybe, but, we made the most of it & laughed the entire RUN to the car! And on our way home, we stopped at Sweet Frog for ice cream!
That was our weekend!
Just low key with some thunderstorms.
If you haven't entered to win my FOUR YEAR BLOGIVERSARY GIVEAWAY, make sure you do! The winner will be announced Friday evening!