Happy Friday, y'all!
As soon as I pick Cooper & Millie Jo up from school this afternoon, we are heading out of town for the holiday weekend!
I can't wait to have this time with my little family!
And speaking of them, it's been a while since I've shared a THREE THINGS post about us!
So here's a few things that are up with us …
1. Cooper took this season off from baseball but he wants to play fall ball & is outside every single day practicing. He is SO good!! One of our most favorite things to do together is throw the ball back & forth out in the yard.
2. Coop struggled with reading at the beginning of third grade but y'all, he has worked so hard & has surpassed his reading level! He took the EOG's this week & I can't wait to get his scores back. Regardless of them though, I am so stinkin' proud of him!!
3. He discovered Harry Potter a few months ago & would sit & watch the movies over & over if I let him. He has set himself a goal to read a couple of the books this summer!
1. Millie Jo loves to read. And when I say love .. I mean LOVE! She reads to her class all the time & is always so excited to tell me when she does.
2. Girlfriend is make up obsessed. If you missed HER MAKE UP VIDEO, do yourself a favor & go watch it because it's hilarious!!
3. In a little over a week, Queenie Queen graduates kindergarten. How in the heck did that happen!?! Her teacher says she's like the class mom. Always making sure that everyone is taken care of. That's just her heart & I love it! She has rocked kindergarten!
1. Itty Bitty is still that … Itty Bitty. She weighs only 20 pounds with clothes & shoes on. But y'all, she may be tiny, but girl can hold her own!
2. She is walking everywhere & is getting so fast. She'll be running in no time! A few days ago, she started trying to jump. She sees Millie Jo do ALL the gymnastics on her mat & thinks she can too!
3. She loves being outside! We spend most every afternoon out playing & I have a feeling I know what we will be doing all summer! 😉
1. We recently joined a new church! It has been such a blessing to us. We love it so much & so do our kiddos!
2. A couple months ago, we bought a camper. I never pictured us the camping type, but here we are!
3. We are really enjoying our rental house … aside from the mouse that is currently trying to live with us. Sigh. I promise, I have a house tour coming soon!
There you have it … three things about us!
I just love these little posts so much!
I hope y'all have such a wonderful holiday weekend. I will be taking all next week off but you can follow along with us over on INSTAGRAM to see what we will be up to!