Up, Up & Away ..
Saturday Dan & I loaded up the kiddos & headed to the Hot Air Balloon Festival with my parents, my sister, her boyfriend, my brother & his fiancé. We got there early & we were there until dark. It was so much fun! I had no idea that this festival has been around for years & I just heard about it this year. Crazy!!

My sweet babes before we left.
(how cute are Millie Jo's pants!? My mother-in-love made them for her)
Love this man ... & that little photobomber :)
Oh Nelly & our selfies.
No one in the world like this woman!
Love my mama!
The hot air balloon behind us was tethered & they were offering rides .. well, until the wind got so bad & they had to quit. Yikes!
I mean, who can say that they've been IN a hot air balloon!? I don't mean just the basket ... I mean the actual balloon part. We can, we can!! Pretty cool! They had lots of beach balls in there for the kids to play with too.
Always twirling!
We walked around a lot, ate a lot & played a lot.
They had tons of different bouncy houses for the kids & they loved it!
They had so much fun!
... & so did we!
The lines for everything were SO LONG!
Here we are waiting, waiting, waiting in line getting dinner for everyone.
2 hours later we all had food & were happy.
When it started getting dark they did a glow show with all the balloons.
It was really neat!
Oh my heart, she loves her daddy!
We didn't even get out of the parking lot & they were fast asleep!
We had such a good time!
The day was long & exhausting but lots of fun!
Happy Wednesday!