Life Lately.
Life around here lately has been pretty great ...
People laugh all the time at me because they say I never put Millie Jo in blue jeans ... well, on this day I did! She only owns 1 or 2 pair but the girl can rock anything :)
You know your 2 year old doesn't feel well when she says she's going up to her room to play but is very quiet so I go check on her & she's fast asleep. Poor baby!
One of my most favorite parts of the day is sitting down with this little fella & watching him do his homework. I love seeing all the new things he is learning in kindergarten. He's already learning to read some!! I love him big!
When you're sick with a nasty cough & sore throat you can have ice cream for breakfast, right!?!
I love her big, too!
The moment you are getting ready to get out of the car at the grocery store & turn around to see that both kiddos are asleep ...
The struggle is real, folks!
Playground - 1 ... Cooper - 0
Coop game home from school yesterday with a scrape on his chin. I asked him if he cried & he said only for a minute. His teacher sent a note home saying he's a tough cookie because he wanted to get right back up & keep playing :)
I love my one-on-one time with this girl during the day!
One of Dan & Coop's most favorite things to do is go to the driving range together so this week they went.
Dan sent me this pic ... love my guys!
That's been lately around here lately!
Happy Friday Eve!!