Weekend Recap! - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama

Weekend Recap!

by - Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Happy Tuesday!

This weekend recap post is coming a day late because Millie Jo was home from school yesterday & back to the doctor.  Sigh.  Saturday evening she spiked a high fever after 10 days on antibiotics for an ear infection.  Sunday she was fine, but then woke up yesterday morning with another fever & complaining of the same ear hurting that we just treated.  The good news, her ear is fine.  The bad news, we still don't know where her fever is coming from.  She does still have a cough from 14 days ago.  They tested her yet again for you know what, but the doctor doesn't seem to think it's that.  They also tested her for strep & it was negative.  I'm sure it's just something viral that's taking forever to get out of her body.  But if you ask us, we are over it!  We have too many fun things planned over the next few weekends!

Okay, back to our weekend!  It was pretty busy, but not overly exhausting & for that we were thankful!
On Friday evening, I dropped my boy off for his very first overnight youth camp!  How exciting!  He had the best time & wasn't ready to come home.  I can't wait to see how God works in his life over the next few years through youth group!

After we dropped him off, the girls & I headed to a local consignment sale.

On Saturday morning, me & the girls headed to see Dan at a car show fundraiser for the sister ministry we are apart of.
And who doesn't love a good strawberry glazed donut with sprinkles for breakfast!?!

Saturday evening, we went & picked Coop up from camp.  Gosh, he's still talking about how much fun he had!
Sunday morning, we went to church & then grabbed lunch with Dan's dad.  And of course I had to get a pic of my favorite trio!

And that was it!  We have some pretty fun things planned for the new few weeks that we are all pretty excited about.  October is always such a fun month!

I hope y'all had a great weekend.
Please keep my girl in your prayers.  She can't go back to school until her test results come back ... fingers crossed it's this afternoon because girlfriend does not like missing school!


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