WEEKEND [2019] - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama

WEEKEND [2019]

by - Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Hey Hey Tuesday!

I know lots of you are on Spring Break this week & we are just over here not.  What's up with that!?!  My kiddos don't have spring break until the END of April! Six weeks! But who is counting? 😉

I mentioned YESTERDAY that Cooper & Millie Jo were out of school on Friday for a teacher work day.  So Friday morning, Millie Jo, Ellie Joy, Grammy & I went out to get the things we needed for my sister-in-love's baby shower we were giving her on Saturday!
But not without a trip to Claire's!
Because several months back, we hit the Justice & Claire's phase & y'all, we hit it hard.
While we were out, Cooper went to work with Dan.
I don't know who was more excited!  Coop because he got to go with Dan or Dan because he actually got to take Coop to work with him!
Saturday, we showered my FIRST nephew & his beautiful mama! I can't wait to love on that baby boy!
And this baby will no longer be the "baby" of the family!
Sweet girl!
 Saturday evening, I went home to our new couch being set up!
So what else is there to do besides put on our pjs, cuddle up & watch a movie!?!
The answer is nothing!

And that was our long weekend!
I hope yours was great!

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  1. Yes! It was so good!! And girl, moving takes such work! Glad to finally be settled!

  2. Sounds so fun to me and it looks like you all had fun on your respective friday dates :)
