Last Friday, we started our weekend out at the mall getting this sweet thing's ears pierced!
I mean, it doesn't get any cuter!
If you missed her three month update, make sure you check it out!
Friday evening, Cooper & Millie Jo spent the night with Dan's sister & Ellie Joy went to Mimi & Paw-Paw's for a couple hours.
I know you're thinking that the next picture is a picture of me & my hubby all dressed up for date night ...
But nope.
We stayed home, grilled steaks & watched a movie.
And it was amazing.
Dan was in charge of the steaks, I was in charge of dessert.
Saturday morning, I got this picture. They went out for breakfast ...& I'm pretty sure these two want to move in with JuJu & Josh. 😉
Later that evening, Dan, Ellie Joy & I headed to pick up Coop & Millie Jo & had dinner with everyone. And we couldn't not go for a late night swim!
These girls!!
Sunday morning we went to church & then went out to lunch with some of my family.
I am in complete denial that this beautiful girl goes to kindergarten in just a few short weeks! I am going to miss her so much!!
And speaking of her ...
When we got home from lunch, she asked me if I would take some pictures of her for "her" blog.
Her & all her blog poses!
We ended our weekend watching movies, taking naps, playing Barbies, building Legos ...
Taking more naps ...
And watching wrestling.
Love these summer days full of memories and fun :) Yay for an at home date night!!!