7 Years ... & I'm back ... I think! - The Perfectly Imperfect Mama

7 Years ... & I'm back ... I think!

by - Monday, April 25, 2016

Happy Monday, y'all!
Oh my heart, I have missed blogging everyday but I promise I have a good reason why I haven't lately.
We're having another baby!!
The first trimester kicks my butt every single pregnancy.  Fingers crossed that we are finished with the nausea & vomiting.  I mean, let's be honest ... 7 weeks (even though it felt more like 227) of throwing up 5+ times a day is just not fun!
{More on our exciting news this week}
Today Dan & I are celebrating 7 years of marriage!  There's so much I could say about the past 7 years but I won't because you'd be reading all day :).  I will say, God really outdid himself when He created my hubby.
'We've come so far since that day . . . & I thought I loved you then.'
Happy Anniversary, babe!

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