Well, HELLO 2024.
Wow, even opening up my blog account felt so weird since it has been WAY too long since I last did so. When I stopped blogging over a year ago, I knew that I only had a small amount of time left with my last baby being at home before she headed to kindergarten. I have zero regrets & in that season of life, the blogging world had to take the back burner.
And that tiny baby y'all last saw is thriving in kindergarten & loves it so much! Goodness gracious, I miss her being by my side every day though!! I can hardly believe that I have THREE in school now. Babies don't keep y'all, & time is a thief.
I can't say for sure how often I will blog but, like I've said from the very beginning of my blogging journey .. almost NINE years ago .. CRAZY .. I do love having this space to look back on. Millie Jo especially LOVES going to my blog & reading all the posts about her. I hope to at least blog once a month & do a monthly recap so we will see how that goes.
Okay, come check out what we were up to in the month of January!
Speaking of Millie Jo ...
She turned ELEVEN this month!
And we celebrated with all the groovy things! Flowers, flare pants, disco balls, groovy vans, & smiley faces. You name it, she wanted it!
After almost 6 years, Ellie Joy got her first hair cut a few weeks ago. And she was spoiled rotten during the whole process. Her hair has all the curls so when she got a blowout & it straightened, this mama wasn't ready for it!
I mean!!
Don't worry, she took a bath that night & the curls came right back.
We celebrated the 100th day of school last week & this little old granny was the cutest!
Last weekend, we headed to Atlanta for the Braves Fan Fest. It rained about the whole time but, we had such a fun time!
Yep, Coop is still a hardcore baseball fan. He got to go in the outfield & throw, then he got to go into the Braves bullpen & pitch! It was the coolest experience!
Us girls all had matching sweatshirts & even had our "Paw-Paw" heart on the sleeve.
And we ended our month by going to Winter Jam '24. It did not disappoint! It was the best possible way to end the month of January!
That's all I have for today but, I am so happy to be back into this little space of the internet & I'm excited to see what 2024 has in store.